Lady shares how her whole family was wiped out by a ‘generational curse’


A lady while sharing her opinion about ‘generational curses’ has narrated how it wiped her family members.

Sharing on the microblogging platform X, she attached the dates and circumstances of how she lost a loved one.

She wrote,

“I’m not one of those people that believe in curses and external forces especially in a negative light…but I somewhat believe my grandfather (mom’s dad) opened up a can of worms that has had a negative influence to some specific children of his not all of them….cont My mom’s dad was a hardworking Medical Doctor. He was known in the neighborhood and had 11 beautiful children with his wife (my grandmother). They were just known to be a good, loving family and people barely experienced any negative side to the family. One day out of the blue he came back home, went straight to the bedroom and got a phanga (not sure what we’d call it in English) but he butchered almost everyone in the house, some ran for their lives and hid, some children weren’t so lucky. 7 kids, including my mom and… my grandmother made it out alive but not before my grandfather hung himself.
Fast forward to my mom’s married life. Our dad worked really hard to make sure that my siblings and I had everything we wished for. Growing up, my siblings and I didn’t really struggle I was the youngest, my other sibling went to good private schools and excelled. The issue was my dad had a gun, was strict and had a temper, and all so often he’d threaten to kill the whole family. I was super young at the time but I remember a little a few occasions where… He would throw these rage fueled tantrums but he never did anything. I find them to be problem as well. The first death in the family happened when I was 11 years old, Nov 2012. It was my dad, he was gunned down. Person who did it never found. The next one was 4 months later, I was 12 years. March 2013, it was my oldest sister who was indirectly killed by a man who raped her in the 1990’s with the sole purpose on infecting her with HIV, he succeeded cos she later got sick and died. The next death was my older sister. I was 21 at the time in Feb 2012. She in an abusive relationship. When she eventually had the courage to leave the boyfriend butchered her to death with a phanga ( similar weapon our grandfather used) This death was painful for my mom. The nature of it and just how every1 tried to get my sister out of the relationship alive and failed. My mom’s health deteriorated and within 2 years, I could barely recognize her, she had a stroke, and passed away. I was 23, August 2014 The last to pass away from my family was my brother, I was 27 in Sept 2018. He got mixed up with the wrong crowd. He was a well educated gent an Engineer to be exact but for some odd reason things fell apart for him and he got shot while attempting a robbery. I’m 33 years old now. The only member of my family left in the past 5 years. I’ve had to buried every single member of my family. Do I think there is something behind it? A part of me would like to think, God’s plan but a part of me thinks its can’t be a coincidence that both my Female siblings were targeted or killed by men. It’s affected the way I interact with men and how much I open up to them. I’ve never been in a stable relationship with a man in my 33 years of life, I date here and there but not long enough to actually be serious… Anyway, this post was just to serve as confirmation that I do believe curses can be created. And they might not affected the entire generation but specific parts of it. The dates are Nov 2002, March 2003, Feb 2012, August 2014, September 2018.”

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